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Tennyson Primary School

A Local Primary Trust

A Local Primary Trust

The Tennyson Learning Community became established primary Academy Trust in September 2019 with the aim of supporting and leading the growth and improvement of primary academies across Luton and south Bedfordshire. We are driven by a mission that ensures every child has the right to outstanding teaching and, every academy, exceptional leadership. It is our vision to work with our children, their parents and carers and our staff to create and to sustain excellent academies.

  • We believe that the Trust will enable local schools, their governors and leaders and the communities that they serve, supported by a common ethos, to come together and take responsibility to provide better education in the local primary community, rather than just in their individual schools.

  • The local school-to-school partnership that draws on and learns from good practice, will be developed, shared and strengthened as relationships grow beyond critical friendships to shared accountability.

  • A Trust that promotes and celebrates the individual identity, ethos and traditions of the academies, where this adds value to educational outcomes, including an earned autonomy for school improvement for those that are providing a good and outstanding education.

  • The Trust will continue to support, to draw upon and contribute towards local Teaching School Alliances for teacher training, teaching and leadership programmes and professional development.