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Tennyson Primary School

Local Governing Body

Governance Principles

The fundamental principles of the organisation and the rules for Trust governance are laid out in the scheme of delegation.  The governance principles recognise the importance of developing relationships with common purpose as much as they are about developing processes and structures.

The delegated governance functions to LGBs and committees includes the LGB’s role, powers and responsibilities. The extent of the authority depends on the individual circumstances or overall strength of the school. In addition, LGBs are advisory, identifying and escalating issues and risks to the Board, but not always exercising any formal governance oversight or having any decision making powers.

The Trust has retained oversight of HR policies, choosing school improvement support, oversight of SEND provision and setting the schools’ budgets.

It has also retained responsibility for the appointment of senior staff paid on the leadership scale, in consultation with LGBs in the recruitment process.

The curriculum model has been delegated to the LGBs of individual schools believing that at school level headteachers are best placed to take these decisions. The Board, however, provides a curriculum-resource model to ensure costs are controlled.

The Code of Conduct for governance is detailed in the scheme of delegation section of this website. The names and details of the academy local governors are available from the GIAS information filed with the Department for Education (https://www.get-information-schools.service.gov.uk/) and from the individual academy websites.

LGB Chairs and Vice-Chairs

The trust operates a scheme of delegation with accountability and responsibilities delegated to the local boards.

Donna Witter, chairs the combined LGB for the north and the south Tennyson campuses, supported by Kevin Grogan as vice-chair of the committee. 

Julia Babiak, chairs the Lime Tree Primary Academy LGB. Julia provides continuity for the Hawthorn Park LGB as a former governor and chair of the board.